Monday, February 23, 2009
They say that life isn't measured by the number of breaths you take...
But by the moments, that take your breathe away.
The moment took my breathe away, alright. And the doctor wanted to hook me up to a ventilator for it.....
I trained hard for 7-8 months, by some astounding turn of events, got thrust into the sport of Strongman a mere 3 months after I started lifting weights seriously. 10 months to the day that I first did a full ATG squat, a deadlift and a Bench press, I signed up to take part in the Singapore Strongman Challenge 2009.
I knew I could flip the tyre, I knew I would complete the farmer's walk, and I knew that moving the rhino would be easy.
I came early and watched alot of failures. Lots of men and boys of all sizes took a turn at the implements, but hardly anyone moved the tyre an inch. KC, one of the first few to actually successfully flip the tyre was inspiring. I pushed that all out of my mind and filled it with the positive thoughts of flipping the tyre 8 times. The fact that the tyre weighed in at 260KG didnt really bother me cuz I didnt think it that far off from the 24oKG tyre i practiced with.
I chalked up, tightened my belt and bent down to the tyre to get ready. The whistle was blown and I flipped the tyre over easily once. The second one was equally effortless and I was in the zone. My body was working seamlessly with the instructions from my mind. My supporters were ecstatic. I slammed down the tyre again and went in for that damned third flip...
I got it up half-ways, and left it to balance on my left thigh while my right foot supported all the weight. I lavished a second to turn to the left to look at Yoshida's progress, surprised to see him still at the starting point, not having moved the tyre at all. And then it happened..
I felt a large snap in my right knee and my leg just buckled under me. In the shock, I let the tyre go, and all 260 Kilogramms of it came crashing down on my left leg. All I could think of was the searing mind numbing pain piercing my right knee. I screamed for some sort of relief as I realised how I failed myself. Miserably.
I couldnt help the tears, tears of intense pain coupled with disappointment as I was wheeled off in the ambulance. All my expectations came to crashing halt.
An injection, an X-ray and some pain killers and inflammation retardents later, I sit here with my legs propped up, awaiting my specialist appointment in a couple of weeks.
Thank you God, for healing me.
And thank ya'll for the well-wishes and support.
I leave u with a picture:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
10 solid consecutive reps of 140 kg Deadlifts, 8 days out from the Strongman Prelims.
Enough said.
HomeTeamNS Singapore Strongman Challenge 2009.
Bring IT!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
its almost 9 pm. I still havent had dinner and im going to drop of a special delivery to 2 clients before 11 pm. im tired and im hungry. business is incredibly fast paced and the week kas flown by. NS seems like a hazy distant memory, but in actual fact i ORDed only less than 2 mths ago! Time seems like unceonceivable concept. dinner time.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
is there really a problem?
or am i over-reacting?
Thursday, February 05, 2009

wooooot! thats a 100kg log in each hand, a 240kg sled and a 250kg tyre. i like.