Thursday, December 04, 2008
It was awkward. I'd been dreaming of this day the moment I enlisted. The day when I would walk out of my office for the last time.
But I was sad. When the realisation that I'm never gonna see my office that's stuck-in-the-middle-of-the-jungle sank in, I was really overwhelmed. Its quite hard to explain, considering I want nothing more than to ORD real quick.
Its most probably the friends that I'd made over the 2 years. And also the memories. Some bad, some good, but they will all stay with me nonetheless.
I am indeed, sad to leave 149 SQN, The Fighting Shikras.
Oh well. On a lighter note, I am on leave till 15 Dec and I ORD on 17 Dec, so its time to PARTY and WORK! businessbusinessbusiness..