Friday, October 31, 2008
i just returned from bob's crypt (as it sufficiently looks like one now), after 2 hrs of decorating. i have a gooood feeling abt tmr's halloween party. those of you who've rsvped-show up! and those of you who received special invitation - show up too!
those of you who were unlucky ehough not to get invited, have fun smelling costumes at whichever corwded place you chose.
it feels like i've ord-ed already!!!!! though i have 46 days to go :-(
look forward to the pictures!!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Because everytime I hear a sappy song, I think of you..
Because I just cant do anything else..
Many thanks to Bob, Andrea, Tricia, Shen, Chyi Lyn and the others that I forgot to mention for the help and advice. Being tgth for 31 months does really mean something, and I don't think I'm gonna let it go just like that. I was pretty much at fault for the build up to the blowout in our relationship and I think we've settled it in a mautre and mutually beneficial way. (isabel, you were at fault a little too!) ahahahaha..
I love Isabel. And its gonna be like that forever.
And her BIRTHDAY is coming soon. Meaning I've to get to doing her card, buying her present, deciding where to take her, planning planning planning. Oh well. All in good time.
On the note of parties, its halloween! To all of you going to a too-crowded place to smell each other's constumes, cheers and beers to your bravery! I, on the other hand, have a phonecall meeting scheduled for later to plan THE halloween party at Bob's new BAR!!!
Given my current levels, party is not a word i need to be using too often either. The screwed diet and 10 days fo no training due to my wisdom tooth extraction (and laziness too) took its toll this sat. A poor showing with a new tyre (nonetheless) and a impending regurgitation had me down pretty quick. i love using rugby to train our endurance! ahaha...
once upon a time...the word bro used to mean something.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
As taken from the Team Iron Behemoth Website ( you will find the link on the left of your screen)
" Team Iron Behemoths guaran-damn-tees our members that we'll get them ready for the HomeTeamNS Strongman Challenge 2009 - and we always live up to our guaran-damn-tees.
Here's a small preview of the potential candidates to place well (at least Top-30) in next year's Strongman Challenge.
Below are some of the tyre flip (250kg X 10 flips) timings for our session conducted on 06 September 2008:
And this Saturday, 04 October 2008:
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
it feels great to have moved close to 5500 kilograms in one work out.
1 X 2 125kg full squat
3 X 3 120kg full squat
3 X 20 40kg walking lunges (and this really sucks you out. i just added this in cuz i need more endurance)
4 X 8 300lbs calf press
Strongman trials are less than three months away, and its all starting to take serious shape now. I am aiming to outdo myself (meaning till then, my timings improve every single session) and get in the top 25.
As I eat my boiled eggs now, I look back at my training and I really thank God for the protection. We know the risks that we take when we unrack the bar. And considering I train alone, I am really really thankfull for God's unfailing protection. (I have gotten pinned under the bar while benching twice - and i was alone) I also thank God for strength, for the past 2 mths, I have gotten stronger each and everytime I stepped into the gym, and no, I am not on ANY form of synthetic substances (steroids ect). It is by God's grace that I am seeing improved performance and reception to training. I also thank God for the people I train with on weekends.
Training with the best in Singapore really has its advantages. To all the members of Team Iron Behemoth, I salute you, Here's a shout to Sam, Keith, Vinod, KC, Jen, Ben, Jordon aka Ghost and Ryan and the newest member, Shiqi (the first female too!) I just halved my personal timing on the tyre flip to 1min32secs. got to get it under 50 secs before Strongman 09. The Behemoths will own it. And as we say, thats a Guaran-damn-tee.
Here's another shoutout to one of the best in Singapore, Elton Lim! 2007 under-21, under 70kg National Bodybuilding Champion. One chest training session with him last friday and I'm already seeing improvements. Thanks for answering my never ending questions and being so forthcoming with help and advice! Cheers mate!
To all who read this, GET FIT! Its a decision you will never regret. I am not just advocating strength sports or bodybuilding. But i have to say this : FAT IS UGLY! You cant do anything about your face, but you sure can lose that damn fats! Start running, swimming, resistance traning , the options and variety is limitless. is chock full of information on fat loss, so get busy!
There are alot of things on my mind now, none are slowing down enough for me to inscribe in sensible fashion. But for the grace of God.