Its seriously retarded. Hard to think of another word for it. Your best friend in getting fitter is KNOWLEDGE. It is POWER. Screw the personal trainers that do no more than tell you which machine to sit on. The only PTs worth trusting are the ones willing to refund your hard earned money if you dont get the results (because they know their stuff). I myself have spent hundreds of hours researching and experimenting; and I havent even skimmed the tip of the iceberg! Its like that people. I just felt like ranting.
P.S. FAT IS UGLY, IT IS DISGUSTING AND IT SHOULD BE A CRIME! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW!!!! im not going to say you're fine just the way you are, because you're not. the face you have is fine (less plastic surgery, there aint nothin you can do abt it). BUT YOUR FATS ARE NOT- BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! call me for help.
of the pictures taken on my birthday, that was probably the tip o' the iceberg! haha.. it was great. i'm..i'm actually at a loss for words ( which will shock some of you). you, know, for the first time, I didnt give a hoot about what I did for or on my birthday. I didnt expect anything, I wasnt excited, and the only thing I was actually looking to was finally not being 'teen'.
i felt alot of love though, which was really probably all i wanted. the gifts were nice too, and i really, really liked em all:
but what really mattered were the people. we didnt do much actually, they came to my house, and by they, i mean:
and me momma cooked a really really ass-kickin indian dinner which my friends loved and then we sat around my house, moochin till one in the morning, which is when jeremy (who came late) finished his dinner. we then trodded down to some bar to knock back some. and then we hung around talking and laughing like nothing else mattered for a loooooong time. and then (for the third time in my life i think?) we went to watch the sunrise! it wasnt as spectacular as some of us were expecting, nonetheless, to spend the whole night and morning with people you love. it really is something. it really is. i love you all. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. i am filled.
Labels: God WILL provide
Labels: Curtain Call