I never knew that everything was falling through That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue To turn and run when all I needed was the truth But that's how it's got to be It's coming down to nothing more than apathy I'd rather run the other way than stay and see The smoke and who's still standing when it clears
I'm losing you and its effortless Without a sound we lose sight of the ground In the throw around Never thought that you wanted to bring it down I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves
besides Isabel, everything else.
p.s. run out of saliva
Sunday, March 04, 2007
repeated let downs people change people change back ing irritating deadly stares hate.commonly felt. do you still rmb that phrase?? haha silent haughty glimpse downwards valient shunnings of the mighty beings mighty beings BE not all that great save the environment recycle the bottle and ask not fora carrier in pursuit of happyness is a bloody hunt for $$$ god save the queen, the a level markers might be more lenient they forgot to sing for diana warm greetings from ice cold eyes mirthful smirks from spouses tasting chocolate passion kisses lift your heads and look to the clouds burst your bubble and get there anyway grades=$$$$ quit school=no $$$ sell drugs =alot of $$$ stay in skool=grades=$$$ therefore, stay in school=sell drugs ahahaha...there's an idea for the next time parliament sits to discuss how further to sadden singaporeans (and make excuses for it) offer your shoulder for someone elses tears to forget your own spaces for rent. two shoulders for the price of one (come with a friend) teaching pays bills it also makes you cry or smile no compromise wellll....some cry through the smiles (or vice versa??) satay at midnight and a journey through history and a D for geography throw in a free teh tahrik ice the ride home is peaceful grab life by the balls.