Saturday, November 25, 2006
some people are dreaming of a white christmas this year. some others are searching for the one true love. yet others are drooling at the thought of what lies under the tree.
have you given a thought to those who perhaps want just one meal for christmas. or thos to whom christmas or new year's or any public holiday doesn't mean anything more than the other 364 days because each onw of them is filled with the same hunger, the same povety, the same disease and the same pain. there are millions of such poeple all over this world and nothing we do sitting down is going to help.
you may ask why this dude is sitting down typing this sappy sounding crap abt poor people and not donate some cash to some charity. well majority of the people who make cash donations know the things that i am talking about and feel somewhat ashamed at the lavishness at which they live their lives and at the same time they chose to give a lil donation to appease thier conscience. and another fact to note is that no place where you make donations explicitly tell you how much of your donation is going to " administration and overhead costs" i mean how much of your money actually reaches the person eho needs it. one simple example would be the bullshit that the NKF is singapore has been poketing and disshing out for years till the major expose just recently. well donating nowadays dont really equate to help. not with greedy m%&^%(*&&^s sitting around in expensive suites.
so i type this shit to bring awareness. think about what you want to do and what you can do. there aint no obligation, there aint no small print, i'm not even advocating any organisation. i'm just telling you that there are alot of people out there who need your help. and if you want to help you look and search for yourself and find the people that you think most needs your help and the way in which you can best help them.
i salute not the people who give money. i salute and deeply respect the people who get out there and actually do the stuff like bringing the aid around. do i like shopping? do i like clothes? do i like parties? do i like drinks with my friends? YES! absolutely! but that don't change the fact that i am deeply concerned about the starving people. any self conscious adult would most probably call me 'full of youthful exuberance' or the UN might call me 'idealistic' or people might mistake all this for teenage angst. i'm not angry. i'm disgusted. i'm furious. i'm apalled. that the top 1% of the population in america owns 95% of the county's wealth yet they are the nation with the highest international debt and launching the most missiles.
the singapore government is gonna raise the GST to 7%. or something like that. they say that this increment is to benefit the poorer people in society and that this increment will help to reduce inequity (i.e. the income inequality among the people). well i want to ask the govt this: if you raise the tax by 2% will all the extra money you get go to the poor people and back to the community you take it from? who wants to answer that question huh white shirts (and pants)?
i learnt in economics that the best way to solve inequity was a proporsional taxation system. this means that the rich get taxed more than the poor people. the increased gst would mean that EVERY SINGLE PERSON would be paying more for everything ranging from rice, milk powder to jewellery and diapers! the poor people have to pay more too! why cant the rich polititians take a pay cut and not stay in such large houses? why cant they tax the richer people more or increase the profit taxes. the govt plans to reduce the profit taxes. this means that the profits of firms would increase and the rich would get richer while the poor are forced to spend more of thier incomes on the meagre essentials that they already strive to buy!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should become a politician myself.
kofi ANAND
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
so many things have happened all the past few days and its just been mind blowing i feel uncomfortable to have a major expose but i do feel that it is apt at this point in time to write my thioughts and feelings about the bigger isues in this world. dont mind the sepplling erorres.
what is a lack of money to buy a new dress? what is it if you fail your preliminary examinations? what is it if you fell ill before a huge paryty? what is it if your parents (or your significant other) is refusing to talk to you?
what is all these problems compared to the people who have nothing to eat and who are shivering in the harsh winter cold? what is it compared to the orphaned children whose parents have been killed? what is it compared to the children who would love to go play football but are not allowed to because the fields are infested with land mines? what is it compared to children who are being kidnapped, their limbs chopped off and purposefully infescted with HIV laden needles by warring gangs? WHAT IS YOUR PITIFUL PROBLEMS COMPARED TO AFRICA!!! AND SO MUCH OF THE UNDEVELOPED WORLD!!!
Ban is the new secretary general of the united nations. what does that mean? does this continue a generation of kofi annan's handicraft? i condemn him not. he made some good changes. but that does not let the fact that alot more needs to be done and alot more can be done. wake up and smell the coffee world!! your coffee comes frome countries where on average they earn in a year as much as you coffee maker costs!
Ban most probably gets paid a million or so dollars every year? its just a guess but i can ssure you it is alot of money. that is excluding the compensation he gets for travelling around the world and the money he gets as bonuses or whatever else reason that they can find to increase the salraies of these people. the high end people also where astoundingly nice suits that perhaps look like they are tailor made and innordiantelt expensive. to what do they owe this honour? their jobs demand them being presentable? though a 1000dollar suit smells a bit extreme.
why do i feel so or rather sound so angsty? perhaps...just perhaps, its because i tear up and once even cried when i read about and saw the atrocity in sierra leoneand things in africa. children kidnapped and yanked of the streets. children having their limbs chopped off. children having their skin sliced and sewn back with bags of drugs underneath. children stabbed with HIV infected needles. does this sound familiar? NO! and why should it? BUSH needs us to know that he wants to launch another missile that costs a million dollars at iraq! the damn inter continnental ballistic missiles cost a million dollars! did you know that!??! and what aid do these poor countries get. their debt is being wiped away slowly! yippee! the only people who actually give a shit abt the debt in those countries are the damn men sittin around in suits with security guears around their houses and large shiny cars. the poor people who are worrying about not having enough to buy food with or to but some medicine for their sick and dying parents. or that their child is bleeding to death on the street outside and there's a man standing there with a gun and there's nothing they can do about it! they don give two shits about what the debt in the country is!!!
the USA is the country with the largest national debt to the world, namely th UN the IMF and other developed countries willing to lend them money. and why is it that this seemingly properous country is rife with debt? why are they constantly incurring debt by blowing things up and nobody pressures them to pay up!!!!
screw it! i keep having more wuestions then answers. maybe i am the answer. my mom says that the world whould be chaotic if i was the secretary general. but in a few years i'll be ready. and i will change the world.
if you are crying for a wayward child. if you sigh because you have not enough in the bank? if you're frowning because your friend said somnething untrue about you, if you're unhappy with your results, remember this:
there's someone with a dead child
there's someone who hasnt eaten in days and is going to die
there's someone who's friend is no longer there
there's someone who is facing a gun.
think about it.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
well well well... we are finally in the midst of the a levels and well i want it to be over and done with. and then life can go back to normal or whatever normal used to be maybe this time we will challenge the notions of normal considering two things firstly that i have never had a holiday of more than two months my whole life i have spent in school and secondly i have never worked in any kind of job which i intend to put in the past tense such that i go to work once the a s are over. i want the money and i need to spend it. badly. the ramblings might give you an inclination to my current state of mind and thoughts and feelings. or not.
oh well who cares right? good attitude to live by, friends have problems at this time of the year i wanna say a very warm
!@%&%Y@$@#$ to all the people who have been buggin my homeys, homeys i always love you guys and i have alot of ppl to kill after the as right? drink and be merry. all in due time.
MOS here i come
ZOUK here i come
ST JAMES here i come
MOMO here i come
BUTTER FACTORY here i come
A LEVELS!!! i am already here, gimme your best shot!
Monday, November 06, 2006
the a levels are here and it is so surreal there is nothing much more to say except that it is so surreal i mean we sprint for two uears and then it all wraps up so quick! somebody tell me what the heck is going on! hahaha....rantings and ravings of a momentarilly delusional mind!
peace out.
RUN OUT OF SALIVA cuz my sis wanna use the com
Thursday, November 02, 2006
i am here to for the bery first time talk about what i did today. first thing i did today was my gp paper for the a levels.that went well. then we went to vivo city to eat lunch! so much for going there after the a levels finish! haha...i guess its a pretty alright place but nothing as spectacular as i expected it to be. but wadeva. its soo far away from my house. it took me slightly more than an hour to get back home! and in singapore that is pretty long a time to take to travel anwhere right? haha.,.. anw, i am going for a run now, after more than three months of no phy activity i am gonna get my blood pumped. peace out yo! the a levels is finally here!