Friday, September 22, 2006

check this out man! this is one of the classes at my ckool where they get to dress as they like for teachers day which is also called be yourself day so they get to do whatever theme catches their fancy. this is in my opinion by far the coolest outfit that they put together as a class. the others that were interesting were this class that dressed as pirates (but they didnt go the whole nine yards) and the other interesting one were the bitches...i mean Witches. *snicker* i have no idea what these people are dressed as (some sci-fi thind perhaps) but nonetheless it is cool and ghastly as well? well they got the honour of a pic with me (bleagh) anyhow, if any members of the class read this post or see go to my blog, thank you very much for the photoop. much love, sexy black.
next up, doctor hitch is in the house! many names for mui nowadays (dr hitch, sexy black, etc etc) NONE self proclaimed (riiiiight) but anywyas, giving relationshiop advice is quite an interesting thing considering i am in a relatiosnship myself (sorry spelling is really not my thing). but i feel it apt at this point in time to state:
anyhow, i realise that sometimnes i do not always do all the things that i advice people to do. swettheart, i am sorry for losing my cool the other day outside school and hissing that i was irritated cuz you kept avoiding my question instead of realising that you were perturbed by what the fat
!@$#$&%^&@#$ said to you and instead of letting you be and being there for you i added to your grief. stupid insensitive thing to do and i am very very sorry. but thats besides the point i want all the people who come to my blog to know that i am human and that when i do give rship advice (be it with parents friends or the significant other) you need to realise that i can slip as well. so, people the thing that i want you to take outta this is that you need to be mature as well as inclined to sacrifice even if you feel that you have not been treated fairly if it means that that your giving in will help your significant other feel better and at ease. people the bottom line is: your other half needs to be treated the same way you'd treat yourself. (exceptions for saddists and freaks!)
oh yea! prelims over and the parties are bubblin up! i hear the music, i see the lights i feel the sweat! hahaha...sounds like some deprived boy aye? neh-mind, tonight we be burnin! yea yeah!
(sorry if nothin above made sense)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

nice tattoo?
second last day of the prelims and boy am i looking forward to a proper outting or party or coffee where i didnt leave the house with a bunch of notes under my arm of a whole stack of reading material in my bag! just me, the mobile phone, the ipod, the shades *ahem* and of course, friends, or wlse there'd be absolutely noone to laugh at my jokes. oh yes vanessa, thank you for the kind sharing of your house, convenient substitute for balcony, and of course a much cheaper substitute as well. hhahah
oh yes folks, do remeber that this is our drink or choice for friday night, or saturday night depending on a later decision, and since adrian and i decided on the drink, i got a recipie down:
Long Island Iced Tea
1ounce Vodka (absolut)
1ounce Gin
1ounce Rum (baccardi)
1ounce Tequila (jose quervo)
2 ounces iced lemon tea
1 dash Cola (optional:its for the colour)
1 ounce Triple Sec (we'll just use cointreau)
this is a recipie i came up with myself! aha! i'll be tending the bar, lets hope we don't have to listen to CHINESE songs! haha...back to the books!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
sung to the tune of kryptonite
i won't go crazy
so don't ever call me superman
i'm all alive and well
i don't need you there hol-ding hands
i'll kick you off my side
with my superhuman
don't call tonite.
ahahaha. thank you to all the people eho post posts. keep them comin yea? ther's no censor, say whatever you want. the government stuff is yet to come cuz i need to code all the words such a way it is not incriminating and such a way they you understand it, most of all. aiite? hope you like the *ahem* remixes.
(actually got alot left but i need to study)
Friday, September 15, 2006
this is to the stupid mudha kimchi boy who dare ask other people call me but when see me in skool look at the floor and display that you got no balls to look up! eh you pharcer! dare talk so much come and say to my face la! can? i tell you!after the al levels i will hunt you down like a dog! ahahahaha! i rmb how your hands shook when i threatened you! you think i won't carry it out? run and hide you sad loser! run and hide?
(eh i sound like damn gangster huh? cool...this isnt anand.)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
the O levels has come and passed
The stupid kids can never last
Wake me up when A levels ends
Like my homeys come to pass
two whole years has gone so fast
Wake me up when A levels ends
Here comes exams again
Falling from Cambridge
Drenched in my notes again
Becoming who we are
As my geography rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when A levels ends
sung to the tune of wake me up when september ends oh well yes i agree that it does sound garish and stupid so just read it and ferget it yea?
as each passing day fades the proposed intensity of the insurmountable joy that i will feel after the last paper intensifies. i look forward with much joy to the last paper. honestly it has been fun. i must say that it has been fun. though it hgas gone by with blinding speed, i do take pride in that i did not go through it with my nose stuck in the notes. (i just got inspired for another song) oh well anywyas i am glad to have stopped to smell the roses along the wya and indulge in the many rewarding frindships along the way. my friends mean so much to me, i must draw a picture as words do not suffice to describe their importance. (huh?)
what the heck. i love all of you. jana included. i don't like him, but the bible says that we should love our enemies.
oh YA- you people should hear about what he and his cousin have been doing the past week or so. they have been prank calling me from public phones and cursing and swearing and makin crude remarks about my parents. its quite sad actually, to see the apathetic state of youths like him. i get rather tickled when they called because eacht ime they really think i cant recognise justin's voice. oh well. i always laugh when i see his pathetic downcast face in skool. especially today in the lit lecture. jana if you see this: you are one sad case LOSER and everyone in school knows this! knowing your chracter, you will most probably post anonymous posts on my blog now! haha...
peace out.
i got some things to say about the government in my next post. saty tuned.
srory for sleplnig msikates.
Monday, September 11, 2006

get a load of this? studying does change some people huh? not a flattering picture, just for a few good laughs. ENJOY. but NO copying and pasting! hahaha....
(hope i didn't just give you an idea)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
i'm baaaack! sorry for the inadequate entertain for the past two and a something weeks (to the people who view my blog) but my computer was down and the internet was down and i had to get the whole thing reformatted and then reinstall all the drivers and the internet stuff so i can finally use the computer to rap (for amelia) and to spew stuff (that for some reson some of you enjoy reading? haha!)
you see the caption or title or whatever it is that ya'll call it at the top- i think its pretty cool, i came up with it when me and jeremy and vanessa and isabel (names in no order of importance!) were at cineleisure instead of studyin (welllll...yea...we need to EAT right?) and then jkhoo and i were discussing suicides or smth like that and i came up with this hilarious ingenius irony of sorts(EVEN IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF): OVER DOSE IN MODERATION!!
HAHA...i am a smart boy.
next up: a public opinion poll please feel free to leave your comments on the tagboard and email me or send me a text msg if you don have my number, email me first and i'll give it to you.maybe. so yea anyways, my constant point of deliberation with myself these past few days is about trust. damn! i'm sure the people who need to know the finer details knoe about this all along, but well (see the caption at the bottom) i speak about it from a third person's point of view so that it hurts not and also so that i can get a fair perspective of the going ons of a wonderful girl's mind.comment on the things below:
how is it possible, to still cling on to the memories of things
even after you found out about the flings
why does one still carry all the baggage
even though she knows the new guy is no savage
love - it IS obiviously no lust
yet therein lies no trust
cant really say i love you
somehow still thinkin of her old boo
a faggot from V and a hunk from M
is it that hard to distinguish them
all the pain that still lingers
i still try to brush it away with my fingers
the truth of the matter is
she is the prettiest
most amazing girl in the whole world
that guy was just ****ing stupid,blind and a damn waste of time!
i love you
from now till i say i do
i'm gonna hold you forever too
and you'll say you trust me too.
i dunno how i just came up with those things kinda just flowed oh well i think that that is too much info for you people to comment on but you can try to do a practical criticism of the whole thing (lit students) but it would be cheating cuz you already know what the author is talkin about so waht the heck