Wednesday, August 30, 2006
its been so long since i had the time to come on the computer and go online for that matter, but it looks like i have a faithful bunch who have been utilising me blog rather coimically! alots happen in less than a week, and i feel some people deserve accolade.
first things first, i do want to mention the incident on thursday. i don't want to go into details neither am i gonna write about it, but i do want to mention some people..
first of all, my apologies to anyone who had been involved on thursday, one way or another.
the first two people i will mention are my darling girlfriend Isabel and my fantabulous godbrother Augustine. you two are amazing, my brother demonstrated that he will be by my side no matter what, and i he has proven his undying dedication and devotion to me (sappy as it may sound) over this year. he has stood by me through so much and he has also helped me get through so much. thank you bro. you want to learn to be a true friend ppl? model august.
isabel law-demonstrated true love,a love that did not depend on anything physical at all, but rather the person and the heart within. my baby girl has been through quite alot with me and bcuz of me and i just know it that this is gonna last forever and you know what? she has already stayed true to some of the wedding vows (through sickness and health, for better or worst). and i thank you isabel. you will soon be isabel daniel. SOON.
the next group of people that i have really grown to see in a differernt light is my classmates, people of 05A202: you know some ppl say that you don't know what you have till its gone? not really true, it took me something really tough to know what i had, and it reminded me of what a special place that my classmates have in my heart. when you intereact with a bunch of peope who have seen you in your good days and bad days. seen you when you're happy and sad. seen you with all your faults. seen you blow up and share laughs. and especially people whom you've opened a heart with...? and then smth really impactful happens and they stull care for you and they are concerned and worried, you know that you have a group of precious people that you dont ever wanna let go.
class, thank you. what you people did and went through means alot to me and i really thank you all from the bottom of my heart. even my form teacher, mrs logan (cuz i know you teachers like to spy on our blogs!)
p.s. i'm very proud that we still are most probably the only class in school without any internal division.haha. i love you all.
then there are all the other friends, pls do not be offeneded that i am not mentioning you all one by one, but to all those who knew what happened and were concerned, i thank you, your concern has been a real comfort to me. people ARE priceless.
just when i was abt to lose faith in people in general due to someone. i think twice.
oh yes,on a final, more lighthearted nore, i want to say smth abt my tagboard? hey anon and think, i suppose you two are the same person?anw, like the discussion we had the other time, anon ppl are almost alsways people that the blog owner knows and it is their indescript way of seeking revenge, for whatever, i will never know, but i do thin you are trying to get at me? well... dude, you should know that i have changed and am quite peaceable now. i may appear arrogant or stuck up, but really, ask the pwople who know me whether i really am. sorry if i have brushed you off in the past, but lets shake hands and make out..i mean..make up yea?
Friday, August 25, 2006

amelia wants me to rap...hmmm,honestly babe--the rapping seems to flow naturally not to show off that i have some form of natural talent, but rather when i start typing and one thing jus leads to another i more or less don't employ the use of punctuation so it just flows with the flow and somehow or rather it seems like da man is bustin a rhyme. good?
hahah...anyhow, two weeks of no school to do intense studying and revision obviously has its distraction, like i mean everytime you pick up a pen and start flipping through the notes the first thoughts that come to your mind are what the programmes on tv are and what movies are showing now or whether playing a little pool might help relieve the streess of whether the boys wanna get together to play a little soccer or maybe some homeys wanna chilll over coffee or meet for dinner...when the thoughts that should be coursing your mind are that the A LEVELS ARE COMING SOON SO YOU BETTER GET DOWN TO STUDYIN REAL HARD SO THAT YOU DO WELL!!!! haiz....must drill this in. or maybe we should pitch tents in school to get us in the real mood to study nonstop and really be disciplined and all right do you think that will work or maybe with the right group of peolple the whole thing would turn into one big major party and we'd have so much fun the As would fade into the background.
see that picture up there? kinda seems like a reflection of sckool..smth that we're in sorta alone and its each man for himself doing what you feel would bnefit you best and its all a big dog eat dog world tryna survive and keep your head above the water awayt from the rocks. thank God for God.
p.s. do something nice for the world a friend in the true sense of the word.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
after the whole ordeal of settilig problems with an infidel bastard, i got to know a teacher better, and got to know the other side of her. well i am sure nooone wants to hear the sappy shit that went down. but i think there was one particular qn that she asked me, that i get the feeling alot of you would like to get answered.
the question was directed due to the fact that she sensed the resentment and the hatred i had inside.was she right? absolutely.
although i will say that the hate has diminished as i learn to forgive and forget. the resentment? it still shows. the cuts can heal. but the scars will show.forever.
any of what i said so far make sense? to those who endured similar things that i have been through in the past, everything i said would bring back fresh memories, and piercing aches in the heart.
you know what, i am not ready to advertise my battle scars yet. not yet.
but stay tuned.i will uncover them.
p.s. he is alive because i PROMISED not to do anything to him. i have never broken a promise. never will.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
we start of in kindergarten where we are pushed to stop playing and learn to read and write.then we are shoved into primary school when we have to mug our childhood away to get a good grade fer the PSLE. then the folks say that you have to get into a good sec school cuz it will mould the future.ugh- i missed out on that part-went to nieghbourhood school. 'the hood'. went through alot there. then they tell you the ball is now in your court and you have to kick it towards the goal. they only think you dod well if you qualify for a JC. when i did- my teacher said that i scored the goal-cheesy but thats the way it is in s'pore. then some go to poly or some like me go to JC. the biggest and rattiest rat race of my life! bleagh. we are rushed through an arduous 2 year course so that you can fulfill your aim of coming to the JC in the first place : to get yo ass to a uni asap! but then what? the education in s'pore continues like this:
you get to a uni and try to get a place in the course that is the most marketable and the couse that is in demand so that you will be able to find a job. a good one at that. a job that pays well, and the hell with the satisfaction.
so then you mug your ass in the uni SOMEMORE and you graduate with hopefully an honours cuz anythin less aint worth that much see? then you most prob look for a job.
the endin in s'pore is simple and is stupid.check this out:
there. still wanna study?
i'm going back to the books.

thats the girl who is responsible for this blog. and stealing my heart. somehow thats me standing next to her.she seems either very sleepy or she intently staring at the floor. and i look like the camera man is not my most favourite person in the world right now.
she stole my heart.never gave it back.hee.
why is everyone so surprised that i have a blog! hey...i guess its kool to air your views about anything and then have someone come and challenge you right? (i am assumin this is what goes on) and please don mind the spelling mistakes, people at blogspot: time to include a spellchecker!
p.s. developement began when some white dude couldnt stop his ship and realised that the world was not flat. then they decide to take over the world cuz they think they're the smart asses who figured it ALL out! stop conquering every lil piece of land with oil amerika! you got better things to do! kids are dyin on the streets in miami and LA cuz of souped up ecstacy! bush wake up and smell the coffee! and that million that you people spend on each smart bomb to wipe out hundreds of lives? well think of how many DYING kids in africa that it could have fed. its more important to save lives than take lives to ensure PEACE. amerika, you made the words 'peace' and 'independance' sound like vulgarities!
free country.
yeah right.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
today after almost five meeks i go on a proper date with my girlfriend, and bummer! she had to go after 2 hours to rehearse fer her friend's wedding. oh well...but it was fun, pool (which was a morale and ego booster for me) and then dinner at delifrance (people don't go there, they rip your money off claimin its french! ugh!)
but anywyas! here's what i just saw on my friend's blog which so reflected my sentiments on the aoathetic youths in s'pore! refer to CHARIS on my frensta profile for her take on emo.but i defer!
emo doesn't suck, its a different genre of music which you sophomore poseurs listen to and call punk! punk is not a kind of music you dickbrains! it is an ideal and a concept of anti- establishment. songs that denounce conformity and a fixed leadership are punk! not sad shit about your ex girlfriend screwing another guy! that is emo. so don shout 'burn the flag' and then sing 'i miss you miss you...' cuz that aint punk! get ya facts right. and i aint gonna list any punk bands so you poseurs can justify yourselves, but to quote charis ' my chemical romance and bullet for my valentine are NOT punk. they are sad.
peace out.
death to posers (easier spelt this way)
my blog is up! ahaha...who would have thought that anand would get a blog. oh well i really have no idea how this html thing works and how to format and set up a blog. i didnt even know how to change the thing at the top of the blog. you get the picture.
so i need to thank my wonderful girlfriend, isabel law, for setting up this blog for me and doing all this weird html thingies.
i honestly dfon't know what a blog is for, and i admit i am trying to start one cuz everyone has one and i wanna feel what its like to have one. hmmm...thats all for now.
my first entry.